Jeremy Carter
I honestly think I am an excellent judge of character. Well I guess we all think that we are, right? As a portrait photographer I get to meet people at both their most vulnerable (for those who are concerned about the role of the still frame and how powerful and uncompromising it can be), and people at their most…conscientious about their image. I know how to read a genuinely good person, I’m sure of it. We all have masks, we all have self-deceit. Everyone is on a journey of self-discovery, without exception. This guy is the real deal. Without question; a man with solid morals, genuine care, intelligence, sensitivity, and authenticity. He is respectful, diligent, warm, and interesting. I always find the gem in the people I work with as we all have a great qualities, but Jeremy is extraordinary, and we are so lucky that he willling to take it on for the greater good.